Raven Althouse
Rebersburg, Pennsylvania
M.S. Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California, 2023
B.S. Earth & Environmental Science, Furman University, 2020
Degree In Progress
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California
Current Research Topic
Utilizing membrane biofilm reactors (MBfRs) as a means of microbial cultivation, greenhouse gas mitigation, and nutrient removal in water and wastewater treatment
Barnes, Shelby J., Raven C. Althouse, Bianca F. Costa, Boyan Hu, Maxim Kovalev, Timur Kulik, Yu-Tung Lee, Meredith C. Moore, Emily Peng, Jing Yao Pook, Akshita Sharma, Celia Wood, Eric A. Webb, Hannah Sterling, Christoph Aeppli, and J. Cameron Thrash. 2023. Metagenome-assembled genomes from photo-oxidized and non-oxidized oil-degrading marine microcosms. Microbiology Resource Announcements. doi: 10.1128/mra.00210-23.
Conference Presentations
R.C. Althouse, V.C. Lanclos, C.J. Hinder, J.C. Thrash, J. Amend, A.L. Smith, 2022. Isolating ‘microbial dark matter’ to breathe greenhouse gases. 18th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology, August 14-19, Lausanne Switzerland.
R.C. Althouse, N. Kananizadeh, C. Cash, S. Popat, D.A. Ladner, 2020. Temperature Effects on the Fouling Rate of Flat-Sheet Membranes in Anaerobic Membrane Bioreactors (AnMBRs). SCEC South Carolina Environmental Conference, March 15th, Greenville, SC.
Fun Facts
Raven has lived in three different countries and eaten ice cream in 12!