Siming Chen
Where is he now?
Postdoctoral Associate
University of Minnesota
Ph.D. Environmental Engineering, University of Southern California, 2019
B.S. Environmental Engineering, China University of Mining and Technology, 2014
Research while at USC
Siming's research focused on the use of microbial fuel cells (MFCs) to recover energy
from dissolved methane and other constituents in anaerobic effluents.
1. Chen, S. and A.L. Smith, 2017. Methane-driven microbial fuel cells recover energy and
mitigate dissolved methane emissions from anaerobic effluents. Environmental Science: Water
Research & Technology. DOI: 10.1039/C7EW00293A
Conference Presentations
Chen, S. and A.L. Smith, 2017. Mitigation of fugitive methane emissions from anaerobic treatment processes using microbial fuel cells. 15th World Congress on Anaerobic Digestion, October 18-20, Beijing, China.
Chen, S. and A.L. Smith, 2015. Methane-driven microbial fuel cell for dissolved methane management in anaerobic effluents. 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting and Exposition, August 16-20, Boston, Massachusetts.
Chen, S. and A.L. Smith, 2017. Impact of hydraulic retention time and temperature on microbial fuel cells treating methane-rich anaerobic effluent. AEESP Conference, June 20-22, Ann Arbor, Michigan. (poster)
Chen, S. and A.L. Smith, 2016. Elucidating the anodic community structure of a methane-powered microbial fuel cell. ISME 2016 Conference, August 21-26, Montreal, Canada. (poster)